
[48] Yassine El-Quardi, Oussama Hasidi, Khamis Jakob, El Hassan Abdelwahed, Aimad Qazdar, Stephan Sauter, Jens Timmermann, Ahmed Bendaouia, "Digital Twin Technology for Enhanced Health Monitoring, Maintenance, and Energy Efficiency of Electric Vehicles: E mule project", NISS'23: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Networking, Intelligent Systems & Security, 2023.

Yassine El-Ouardi, Oussama Hasidi, Khamis Jakob, Stephan Sauter, Jens Timmermann, El Hassan Abdelwahed, Aimad Qazdar, Ahmed Bendaouia, "Digital Twin-based approach for electric vehicles: E-Mule project", International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Smart Technologies, Morocco, 2023.

[46] J. Timmermann,  "Diffraction: Modelling and relevance in radio communications", Schriftenreihe der Fakultät Technik der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Ravensburg, Dez. 2021.
[45] J. C. Timmermann, A.L. Salih Al-Tameemi, "Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Society - Current Trends and Applications", Schriftenreihe der Fakultät Technik der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Ravensburg, Nov. 2020.

J.C. Timmermann, T. Pinkert, V. Geringer, D. Dubinin, "Discussion of a hybrid method for passive localization of moving emitters" (13 pages), Schriftenreihe der Fakultät Technik der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Ravensburg, Juni 2019.


D. Dubinin, V. Geringer, J. C. Timmermann, A.A. Mescheryakow, "Experiment of Radio Monitoring Using Geometric-Stochastic Channel Modeling and Hybrid Localization", 22nd Intern. Scientific Conference "Reshetnev reading", 2018.


J. Timmermann, P. Lehmann, K. Dalm, "Vernetzung durch zukünftige Mobilfunksysteme - Herausforderungen und Anwendungen" (22 Seiten), Schriftenreihe der Fakultät Technik der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Ravensburg, Oktober 2017.

[41] J. Timmermann, C. Imhof, D. Lebherz, and J. Lange, "Ensuring Radio Frequency Compatibility (RFC) on-Board a Satellite by Early Analysis and Efficient Methods for Field Prediction", International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications, vol 8 no 3 & 4, pp. 152-161, 2015. 
[40] J. Timmermann, C. Imhof, D. Lebherz, J. Lange. "Application of Knife-Edge Diffraction Theory to Optimize Radio Frequency Compatibility On-Board a Satellite", International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications (SPACOMM), Barcelona, April 2015.

J. Timmermann. "Elektronik 3", lecture notes, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW), Ravensburg, 116 pages, 2014.


T. Zwick, W. Wiesbeck, J. Timmermann, G. Adamiuk. "Ultra-Wideband RF System Engineering", book, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, ISBN 978-1-107-01555-5 (50 pages contribution as one of the four editors), 2013.  


U. Lewark, J. Antes, J. Timmermann, I. Kallfass: "Applications and Link Budget Analysis for Future E-Band (71-76 and 81-84 GHz) Satellite Communication Links", 61. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongreß, Berlin, 2012; published in CEAS Space Journal, June 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1-4, pp 41-46 


J. Timmermann. "Elektronik 2", lecture notes, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW), Ravensburg, 111 pages, 2012.


J. Timmermann. "Elektronik 1", lecture notes, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW), Ravensburg,  106 pages, 2012.


R. Verdone et al. "Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications: COST 2100 (Signals and Communication Technology)", book, Springer Publishing London, ISBN-13: 978-1447123149, Jan. 2012), Author of 1 chapter. 




J. Timmermann, E. Pancera, P. Walk, W. Wiesbeck, and T. Zwick: "Bit Error Rate of a Non-ideal Impulse Radio System“, book contribution in "Ultra-Wideband, Short Pulse Electromagnetics 9", ISBN 978-0-387-77844-0, Springer, LLC, p. 457, 2010.



E. Pancera, J. Timmermann, T. Zwick, and W. Wiesbeck, "Quantification of the Effect of the Non-Idealities in Impulse Radio UWB Systems," in Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation - EuCAP 2010, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2010.



P. Walk, P. Jung and J. Timmermann: "Löwdin Transform on FCC Optimized UWB Pulses", IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), doi: 10.1109/WCNC.2010.5506503, Sidney, Australia, April 2010.



P. Walk, P. Jung, and J. Timmermann: "Löwdin's Approach for Orthogonal Pulses for UWB Impulse Radio", Eleven IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC2010), 2010



J. Timmermann. "Systemanalyse und Optimierung der Ultrabreitband-Übertragung (UWB)", book (Ph. D. thesis), KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, Germany, ISBN-10: 3866444605, Feb. 2010.





E. Pancera, J. Timmermann, T. Zwick, and W. Wiesbeck, “Spectrum Optimization in Ultra-Wideband Systems,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technology, 2(2), 203-209,
doi:10.1017/S1759078710000310, Apr. 2010.




J. Timmermann, L. Zwirello, E. Pancera, M. Janson, and T. Zwick, "Comparing Non-Ideal Ultra-Wideband Transmission for European and FCC Regulations," in Proceedings of the European Radar Conference - EuRAD 2009, pp. 351 - 354, Rome, Italy, Sept. 2009. 





J. Timmermann, P. Walk, A. Rashidi, W. Wiesbeck, and T. Zwick, "Compensation of a Non-Ideal UWB Antenna Performance," Frequenz, Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications, vol. 63, pp. 183-186, Sept./Oct. 2009.



J. Timmermann, L. Zwirello, E. Pancera, M. Janson, and T. Zwick: "Comparison of non-ideal UWB Performance for European and FCC regulation“, European Microwave Conference (EuMiC), Rome, Italy, Sept. 2009.




E. Pancera, J. Timmermann, T. Zwick and W. Wiesbeck: "Filter Design for Spectrum Optimization in Ultra Wideband Systems", IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), Vancouver, Canada, 2009.




L. Zwirello, J. Timmermann, G. Adamiuk and T. Zwick, "Using Periodic Template for Rapid Synchronization of UWB Correlation Receivers", COST 2100, TD(09)848, Valencia, Spain, May 2009.



J. Timmermann, A. Rashidi, P. Walk, E. Pancera, and T. Zwick: "Application of Optimal Pulse Design in Non-ideal Ultra-Wideband Transmission“, German Microwave Conference (Gemic), München, Mar. 2009.



E. Pancera, J. Timmermann, T. Zwick, and W. Wiesbeck: "Signal Optimization in UWB Systems“, German Microwave Conference (Gemic), Munich, Mar. 2009.





G. Adamiuk, J. Timmermann, W. Wiesbeck, and T. Zwick: "A novel concept of a dual-orthogonal polarized ultra wideband antenna for medical applications," in Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2009, CD-ROM, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009.



E. Pancera, J. Timmermann, T. Zwick, and W. Wiesbeck: "Time Domain Analysis of Band Notch UWB Antennas," in Proceedings of the Europan Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2009, CD-ROM, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2009.



J. Timmermann, L. Zwirello, G. Adamiuk, and T. Zwick: "Performance of Conventional and Optimal Pulse Shapes in Non-ideal UWB Transmission“, TD number (09)707, COST 2100, Braunschweig, Germany, Feb. 2009 



M. Porebska, C. Sturm, J. Timmermann, and W. Wiesbeck, “Influence of multipath propagation on UWB imagery,” in International Conference on Ultrawideband, CD-ROM, Hannover, Germany, Sept. 2008.



J. Timmermann, E. Pancera, Grzegorz Adamiuk, W. Wiesbeck, and T. Zwick: "Estimated Performance of UWB Impulse Radio Transmission Including Dirty RF Effects", IEEE International Conference on Ultrawideband (ICUWB), p. 1562-1565, Hannover, Germany, Sep. 2008.



J. Timmermann, E. Pancera, P. Walk, W. Wiesbeck, and T. Zwick: "Bit Error Rate of a Non-ideal Impulse Radio System“, European Electromagnetics Conference (EUROEM), Lausanne, Switzerland, Jul. 2008.



J. Timmermann, E. Pancera, G. Adamiuk, M. Porebska, and T. Zwick: "System and antenna aspects for UWB propagation“, oral presentation, Wireless Alliance for Testing Experiment and Research (WALTER) workshop, Ispra, Italy, Jul. 2008.



J. Timmermann, G. Adamiuk, E. Pancera, W. Wiesbeck, and T. Zwick: "System Analysis of UWB Frontends“, in COST TD(08)506, Trondheim, Norway,  Jun. 2008.



E. Pancera, J. Timmermann, G. Adamiuk, T. Zwick, and W. Wiesbeck: “Spatial distortion of the pulse transmitted by UWB antennas,” in COST 2100 TD(08)521, Trondheim, Norway, Jun. 2008.



M. Porebska, J. Timmermann, C. Sturm, T. Zwick, and W. Wiesbeck: "Impact of Non-ideal Antennas on the Performance of UWB Imaging Systems“, 17th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications MIKON, Wroclaf, Poland, May 2008. 



J. Timmermann, M. Porebska, C. Sturm, and W. Wiesbeck: "Investigating the Influence of the Antennas on UWB System Impulse Response in Indoor Environments", 37th European Microwave Week (EuMW), p. 1562-1565. Munich, Germany, Oct. 2007.



J. Timmermann, D. Manteuffel, and W. Wiesbeck: "Simulation of the Impact of Antennas and Indoor Channels on UWB Transmission by Ray Tracing", IEEE International Conference on Ultra-WideBand (ICUWB), p. 194-197, Singapore, Sep. 2007.



J. Timmermann, M. Porebska, C. Sturm, and W. Wiesbeck: "Comparing UWB Freespace Propagation and Indoor Propagation Including Non-ideal Antennas" (invited), IEEE International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), p. 37-40, Torino, Italy, Sep. 2007.



M. Baldauf, J. Timmermann and W. Wiesbeck: "Mobile MIMO Phones and Their Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields“, IEEE International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), p. 9-12, Torino, Italy, Sep. 2007.



C. Sturm, M. Porebska, J. Timmermann and W. Wiesbeck: "Investigations on the Applicability of Diversity Techniques in Ultra Wideband Radio“, IEEE International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), p. 899-902, Torino, Italy, Sep. 2007.



G. Adamiuk, E. Pancera, M. Porebska, C. Sturm, J. Timmermann and W. Wiesbeck: "Antennas for UWB Systems“, COST 2100, document TD(07)358, COST 2100, Duisburg, Sep. 2007.



J. Timmermann, M. Porebska, C. Sturm, and W. Wiesbeck: "Internal COST document TD(07)048", COST 2100 (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research), Lissabon, Portugal, Feb. 2007.



C. Sturm, M. Porebska, J. Timmermann und W. Wiesbeck: "Untersuchung der Korrelationseigenschaften von UWB Indoor-Kanälen", VDE/ITG-Sitzung zum Thema "Antennen und Messverfahren für Ultra-Wideband (UWB) -Systeme", VDE/ITG Diskussionssitzung, Kamp-Lintfort, Dec. 2006.



J. Timmermann: "Richtungsaufgelöste Kanalmodellierung für Systemsimulationen mit Intelligenten Antennen", (Double Directional Channel Modeling for System Simulations with Smart Antennas), diploma thesis, Institut fuer Hoechstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany, duration: 5 ½ months, winner of "Werner von Siemens Excellence Award 2007", Sep. 2006.



J. Timmermann: "Automatische Klassifizierung der räumlichen Eigenschaften des urbanen Funkkanals", (Automatic classification of the spatial characteristics of the urban radio channel), Studienarbeit (student thesis), duration: 3 ½ months, Feb. 2006.